Spend a Day on the Creek!
Walk the trails in a wildlife sanctuary, paddle a canoe
Saturday, May 16, 2009
10am - 4pm @ Audubon Acres
Free ($1/person discount admission)
or drop in for your favorite activity.
Get a Free Bandana!
Bring a picnic if you wish!
Kids - Play the Creek Hunt and win a prize!
10-11 am Nature Walk
Stroll along South Chickamauga Creek and discover the natural and cultural history of the area. Jeanette Eigelsbach leads this easy walk. She is Scenic Cities Beautiful Commission Program Coordinator and Chattanooga Audubon Society Board Member. 10am - 2pm Canoe Rides & Fly-casting Demonstration
Try your hand at a short canoe ride on South Chickamauga Creek. Jim Ledbetter of TN Valley Canoe Club and Chattanooga Outdoors provide canoeing expertise. While you¹re on land learn about fishing techniques from fly-caster Steve Fry. No age limitation, but all boats must contain one adult. 11am - 3pm Real Fish Tails
South Chickamauga Creek is the home of the endangered Chickamauga Crayfish and the Snail Darter. While you aren¹t likely to find either of those, drop by to see and learn about several fish species seined from the creek by fish expert Casper Cox. 11:15 am The Scoop on Rain Gardens
Learn how to protect water quality and quantity starting in your own yard. Linda Harris, TVA Senior Water Resource Representative, guides you in the process to make a rain garden. She has long worked with opinion leaders, agencies and citizens to cooperatively assess and address water quality issues related to preservation of our vital water resources. 12 noon Harvesting the Waters
How did Native Americans gather food from the creek? Larry ŒCoyote¹ Smith, craftsman of primitive tools, will show you the methods used to catch fish, mussels and other creatures long before the white settlers came to South Chickamauga Creek. 1 pm Testing the Waters
How do you know if water is clean or not? A few simple tests can tell you a lot. Mary Beth Sutton of TN-SEA (Tennessee Student Environmental Alliance) will show you how to conduct these tests and what you learn from them. 2 pm Water Games
Plan to get wet as we play games with water, try some science experiments, and learn about the value of wetlands. 3-4 pm Life Along the Creek
Bring a chair down to the swinging bridge for some storytelling featuring Jim Pfitzer, storyteller extraordinaire, who grew up in Chattanooga and spent many hours along South Chickamauga Creek up to no-good with friends. Relax with some soothing Native American flute music from Jamie Russell and Larry¹Coyote¹ Smith. Participate in a water ritual.